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Merry GrYnchmas

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Our favorite photo of the 2023 Christmas season! A young child's interaction with Santa at our Tree Lighting Ceremony at the MudHen Restaurant. 

My name is John Lynch and I founded the Lunch with Lynch Foundation seventeen years ago to support children in our local schools, at-risk families, and children fighting life-threatening illnesses. Many of our families live at or below the poverty line as we are a seasonal seaside resort.


I was made aware that many of our families had to make tough decisions during the holidays, such as putting food on the table versus a toy under a tree. When I realized that food would take precedence over toys at Christmas, we jumped into action. 

Our strategy was a humbling venture, and never dreamed it would be such a success at the holidays. Our goal was simple: to help 25 families with toys, food, and clothes. (we made this decision four (12) days before Christmas 2010)

Thanks to an incredible giving community, we provided 225 families with bags of toys, food baskets, and coats from Santa ... and that is how the Lynch Who Stole Christmas from the GrYnch was created. 

The incredible giving has not stopped, as this past December 24th, we delivered close to 400 bags of toys to 317 families, helping 924 kids on Christmas Eve. When you add a few churches and some local organizations in and around the Wildwoods, we estimate that our toy drive will impact over 1200 kids and teenagers. In the past 13 years of helping Santa & the GrYnch, we have provided Christmas to 10,494 children in and around the Wildwoods. 

We appreciate that you chose our toy drive to support as a team effort from AMGEN!


Thank you video for Team AMGEN

AMGEN TEAM Christmas 2023

AMGEN TEAM Christmas 2023

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Mily, is a junior at Rowan University and is the co-founder
of the Lunch with Lynch Foundation seventeen years ago.
She was just 4 years old!

A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story

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Once donated, our toys are sorted, wrapped, bagged,
and delivered on December 24th.
    ... this is how we bag them on December 23rd.

The Lifecycle of a Lynch/GrYnch Christmas Toy on Bagging Day

The Lifecycle of a Lynch/GrYnch Christmas Toy on Bagging Day

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Thank you, Jim, Tim, and Brenda, for your Time, Effort, and Shopping Skills ... 

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